Monthly Archives: July 2011

Dragon Tattoo and friends

For over a year I tried to read the book “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.” Several of my friends highly recommended it. I would read about 3 chapters and then I couldn’t continue. I was bored by the details and lack of action. Finally one of my friends said that it was slow in the beginning but is really great after Chapter 5. So I pushed through the first few chapters. Shortly thereafter, I found myself unable to put the book down. Lots of action and intrigue piqued my attention. I was surprised, however, by graphic descriptions of violent sex scenes. Then I  made it through the second book with lightning speed. The first half of the third book was good and the end returned to the monotony.

I recommend the series, but be ready to use your “skimming” skills at the beginning and the end of the trilogy. That way you will enjoy it!

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Window or Aisle?

When was the last time that you travelled on a commercial airline? Was it a pleasant experience?

During my most recent flight, my luggage fees were so high that it was cheaper to upgrade to first class than to pay the luggage fee!

When I am sitting in the sardine can known as an airplane, I prefer to sit on the aisle. I prefer the aisle because I relish the additional space to stretch out my legs. However, there are some drawbacks. In two of my last three flights, the stewardess dumped drinks on me. Additionally, the beverage cart rammed into my arm at least four times per flight.

When declaring a preference for an aisle seat or a window seat, there are no winners… but I’d rather have the additional space of the aisle seat than be squashed against the wall.

What do you prefer?

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